Contact Us
You can get in contact with us in the following ways:- |
By E-mail: | enquiry@sellygreen.co.uk |
By Post: | 118 Gristhorpe Road, Birmingham, England, B29 7SL |
By Phone: | (44) (0)121 246 7446 |
Placing an order
We take orders online with credit cards by paypal.com and nochex.com. Alternatively you can pay by cheque or postal order. We need to know your name, delivery address, phone no. and e-mail. Product name, size/colour and quantity. Please make cheques payable to 'L P George' and post to the above address.
Where are we?
Selly Green is in Selly Oak about three miles from the centre of Birmingham and just one turn off the A38 or two turns off the A441 so we have good access to the motorway network ensuring deliveries are regular even during bad weather. View Map.
Product Review
Pure and natural washing detergent that leaves your laundry fresh and clean.
Environmentally friendly, chemical free and biodegradable, any remains after use can go in the composter.
1 kg of soapnuts can be used for more than 100 loads of laundry.